The Ingenious Invention of IED Detection Technology: A Toaster on a Stick's Impact
The saying "Necessity breeds innovation" holds true in the realm of technological advancements, and one prime example of this is the U.S. military's use of toasters on poles to detect IEDs during the Iraq war. In a time when IEDs were a major threat and difficult to detect, infantrymen came up with creative DIY solutions using infrared technology to help them identify these deadly explosives.
One soldier's ingenuity led him to purchase a simple toaster from a local market, which he then attached to a pole and connected to his vehicle. The heat emitted by the toaster served as a trigger for the infrared IEDs, enabling the soldiers to detect and avoid potential danger. This makeshift solution revolutionized IED detection technology and paved the way for the development of more advanced tools like Rhinos, which have since become standard equipment for militaries worldwide, saving countless lives in the process.