32 Sinister-Looking Government Installations
In many action films, the climax often takes place in a sinister lair that the protagonist must infiltrate and defeat on their own. These locations are typically designed to look outrageously evil and fantastical, almost like something out of a cartoon. However, the discovery of various government research centers and military bases around the world has shown that these fictional lairs may not be so far-fetched after all.
For instance, the Indian Arctic Research Center is a striking structure made of sharp, reflective chrome with a spherical component, perched atop a mysterious black stone reminiscent of Darth Vader's castle. The Swedish Naval Base and Crimea Submarine Base bear a striking resemblance to the hideout of Team Aqua from the popular Pokemon series. Meanwhile, abandoned Soviet bases exude a villainous charm that brings to mind classic Cold War-era films where Russian antagonists reign supreme.
These real-life bases are both awe-inspiring and chilling in their design, proving that truth can be just as strange as fiction.