20 Photos That Will Have You Exclaiming 'That's Not a Parking Spot!'
1. A car precariously balanced on top of a telephone pole, with the driver looking confused from the driver's seat.
2. A truck stuck in the middle of a playground, surrounded by bewildered children.
3. A sedan wedged between two buildings, with the driver attempting to climb out through the sunroof.
4. A convertible submerged in a swimming pool, with bubbles coming out of the exhaust pipe.
5. A van stuck in the middle of a busy intersection, causing chaos for other drivers.
6. A motorcycle somehow lodged in a tree, with the owner scratching their head in disbelief.
7. A sports car dangling off the edge of a cliff, with the driver hanging on for dear life.
8. A minivan stuck in a giant sand dune, with the family inside looking out in shock.
9. A compact car stuck in a billboard, with the driver waving for help.
10. A pickup truck stuck in a giant pothole, with the driver attempting to dig themselves out.
11. A classic car stuck in a fountain, with water spraying everywhere.
12. A luxury car stuck in a shopping mall, with security guards trying to figure out how to remove it.
13. A delivery truck stuck in a giant pile of snow, with the driver wrapped in blankets to keep warm.
14. A sedan stuck in a giant mud pit, with the driver covered in mud from head to toe.
15. A taxi cab stuck on a rooftop, with the passengers looking out in confusion.
16. A police car stuck in a giant pile of debris, with officers scratching their heads in disbelief.
17. A fire truck stuck in a giant sinkhole, with firefighters trying to figure out how to rescue it.
18. A school bus stuck in a giant spiderweb, with children screaming in fear.
19. A garbage truck stuck in a giant pile of trash, with seagulls circling overhead.
20. A tow truck stuck in a giant puddle, with the driver frantically trying to pump out the water.