36 Hilarious Images, Pictures, and Tweets to Beat the Sunday Blues
Sundays often get more credit than they deserve, as they are just a precursor to the dreaded Monday. With the pressure to make the most of your last free moments before heading back to work, it can be difficult to find activities that suit your preferences if you're not a fan of traditional Sunday activities like church, brunch, or day drinking.
If you're like many of us, you may find yourself spending your Sunday scrolling through social media, only occasionally stumbling upon a truly enjoyable post. But we want to change that for you.
Instead of doom scrolling, why not fill your day with funny, cool, and uplifting content? To help you kick off your week on a positive note, we've compiled some of the best tweets and photos that will surely brighten up your Sunday and fend off those Sunday scaries. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these 36 fun pics, photos, and tweets to make the most of your weekend.