Unforgettable 'True Detective' Memes: Celebrating the Brilliance of the Show
It's been far too long since we've had our fix of 'True Detective' and we're seriously missing the show. Season 2 with Vince Vaughn and Rachel McAdams may have its critics, but we're not listening to any of that negativity. We're all about celebrating the brilliance of the show here at eBaum's World.
Thanks to Twitter, we've gathered some of the most hilarious and self-aware 'True Detective' memes out there. Season 1 was a true acting masterpiece, followed by Season 2 which we still think is great. We're not going to let anyone tell us otherwise. Despite the backlash, we're here for the memes.
Season 3 may not have as many memes circulating, but that doesn't take away from the show's greatness. And with Jodie Foster confirmed for Season 4, we can't wait to see what new memes and discussions will arise in the 2022 'True Detective' meme era.